I love that people ask our boys this question because it shows that they are interested in seeing the travel experiences we’ve had through our boys’ eyes. However, I’ve seen how this conversation starter question has the opposite effect – usually, absolute silence while our boys process 7 months of memories to try to narrow down to one “best” event.

We visited 13 countries during our time overseas in 2022. So, requesting that our kids name ONE favorite part of the trip sends them into a tailspin of memories of sights, tastes, and sounds.

With so many experiences during our 7-month trip, it takes a lot of processing for them to answer with their one favorite part (from Rollercoasters at Thorpe Park in England to visiting Germany’s Europa Park – Europe’s largest theme park), and that processing ends up creating a long silence instead of an intentional conversation starter.

Visitng the Roman bathhouses in Bath, England

You can pick your friends. You can pick your nose. But it’s awkward to pick your friend’s nose. (At the Roman baths in Bath, England)

A better conversation starter about our family trip to Europe might be:

Where were a few places you really enjoyed in Europe?

This is easier to answer because instead of narrowing down an answer to the top ONE place, it can now become a conversation about those three places and why our boys really enjoyed them. I actually asked our boys with no prompts, and this is how they answered:

Joel: England, Chateau De Lalacelle, Musberg Germany

Zac: Paris (Walking through Paris, Eiffel Tower, Pastries), Krakow (Street food, Perogies, castle), and petsitting in Zurich (including the Lindt Chocolate Factory Tour)

Ian: Poland, Eiffel Tower, Big Ben in England, Chateau Lalacelle

What is something funny that happened while you were traveling?

If you ask our kids, you’ll (almost) for sure get the answer about when we were all over-tired on our initial flight to London, how we had to walk across Hyde Park since I had navigated the bus routes incorrectly, and how one of our pieces of luggage lost the wheel and had to be carried a good portion of the way.

Also, our youngest son was so overtired (we don’t think he slept on the plane), and he was giggling and sleepwalking most of the way to the hotel and doesn’t remember any of his silliness – just getting off the plane and waking up the next morning.

In second place, you might hear about how I (Adam) almost killed a goat while petsitting in France.

Third place might be any number of stories about housesitting in Europe.

What is something that you enjoyed eating in Europe?

In this case, our boys will probably tell you their favorite thing to eat. But if you start by asking, “What was something you enjoyed eating?” you’re likely to hear from them about a few things they enjoyed as they narrow down foods they enjoyed until they arrive at their one favorite.

Joel: Perogies in Poland, Fish & Chips in England, Fresh Pastries in France

Zac: Perogies in Poland, Baguettes in France, Swiss Chocolate

Ian: Pierogies & Sausage in Poland, Fish & chips in England, Pizza in Italy

(Seems like Poland was a culinary hit).

A pierogi stand at a market in Krakow, Poland.

What things would you recommend doing in Europe for someone else your age?

Joel: Europapark, pet sitting, helping with the chateau in France

Zac: Petsitting, eating special food, visiting the beach in Split, Croatia.

Ian: Go to Poland if you like perogies, go to Italy if you like pizza, go to England if you like fish and chips, the Colosseum in Rome, the Eiffel Tower because of climbing up the stairs and seeing the view from the top, the Edinburgh Tattoo in Scotland, Harry Potter studio tour (if you like Harry Potter) in England.

Harry Potter Studio Tour in London

Which castle would you visit again?

Joel: Old Wardour Castle, England.

Zac: Wawel Castle in Krakow, Poland.

Ian: Edinburgh Castle, Scotland.

Experiencing the Edinburgh Tattoo

What kinds of pets did you enjoy petsitting most?

Joel: Cats – because of a specific cat that we cared for that was fluffy and liked to be held.

Zac: Dogs and a hamster.

Ian: Dave the goat, Buddy the cat, Ollie the tortoise.

Petsitting a hamster in Edinburgh

The Follow-Up Question:

“What did you enjoy about…<the answer>?”

  • What did you enjoy about petsitting a hamster?
  • What did you enjoy about Neuschwanstein Castle?
  • What did you enjoy about the beach in Croatia?
  • What did you enjoy about the Edinburgh Tattoo?


Tips For Making Conversation

We’ve learned that as we’re traveling, it’s always great to meet a friend along the way. Striking up a conversation with a perfect stranger has yet to create any downsides, and it’s often the person we’ve struck up a conversation with who is quick to help us along the way:

  • A chat with an older gentleman waiting to get on the train in Southern England meant that he sat near us on the train and let us know when our stop was. (Traveling as a family can have its challenges, but missing our train stop would have compounded the task).
  •  A quick “How’s Your Day?” turned into a conversation about where we were headed on the bus in Glasgow, and the kind, elderly lady (who thought my Canadian accent was ‘precious’) recommended switching to a different bus than we had planned to take when we found out that our bus was running behind.
  • A “Hello, where are you headed?” with a young single guy in the Rome train station ended with him realizing we were on the wrong platform to catch our train back to the airport, and he helped us find the proper platform.
  • A conversation on the airplane to Madrid ended with someone helping our youngest son carry his luggage up the stairs when the escalator was broken.

We’ll start with commenting on the weather, noticing someone wearing a Canadian flag pin, or complimenting a nice watch. Find some common ground or something to complement and follow up from there.

Follow up with another question about “why?” and you can learn so much about a person in just a few minutes.

These “new-found friends” ended up being the people who were ready to help us along the way as we navigated new cities on our way to petsitting throughout Europe.

Now, rather than “making conversation” simply to pass the time, we’ve learned that getting to know someone – even just for a few minutes – means that we may have a friend willing to help along the way.

Planning a trip to Europe? Here’s how we decided where to visit (and where we had to skip)

…and if you’re planning to stay for more than 3 months, you’ll need to know about Europe’s Schengen Zone Rule for Tourists.


Historical Things To Do Near Stonehenge With Kids
Best Airplane Luggage For Kids (from a family who spent seven months in Europe)